Fantasy Beauty College

Cosmetology | Manicuring | Cosmetician | Massage | Teacher

Welcome to Fantasy Beauty College

Fantasy Beauty College is conveniently located near public transportation, shopping and recreation. The atmosphere provides an ideal enviroment for learing profession of Beauty and Cosmetology.

At Fantasy Beauty College, our basic philosophy is to offer taining to successful prepare graduates with skills needed to secure employment in the field of Cosmetology. With this is mind, we continually survey the profession to keep abreast of current trend, design and techniques required by employers.


The highest academic and career standards are maintained to assure graduates of superior capability and qualification is their profession. The curriculum is flexible enough to allow for new procedures and techniques as they are developed, yet solid enough to maintain high academic standards. The final objective, through our specialized training and classed, is to have our students successfully complete their program, secure and retain employment, and advance in the professional field of Cosmetology.


Annual Report